Tuesday, 14 April 2009

HELP & F.A.Q's (Scroll down for posts)

*** Update for Mac Users ***
A good friend tells me the Ez7z worked perfectly and easily with split & zipped video files on his Mac where as the 2nd link gave the similar problems
So if you use a Mac - Please use this:http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/19139/ez7z

HELP & F.A.Q's
This post is dedicated to providing instructions and solutions to any problems you may experience with files on any of the three 'Victory Rose' blogs.
The post will eventually provide 'how to' sections containing such things as, unziping files, tagging issues, converting files, and much more.
This post is ongoing, if you have or have had any problems or questions please leave a comment below or email: victoryrosemusic@googlemail.com

Section 01 - Windows users (Winrar)
problems unzipping split video files

Solution 1

The files are zipped using 7zip so I would recommend using this program to unzip them. 7zip is said to be one of the most highly rated compression programs on the market - and its free.
1, download it here (i have linked to the 'Cnet' page so you can review it yourself before downloading) [LINK]
(physical address - http://download.cnet.com/7-Zip/3000-2250_4-10045185.html)
2, right click on 'file 001' (view the file under details)
3, select 7zip
4, select extract files
5, choose directory - click OK

solution 2

If you still have problems you can try two more things: 1, extract files to a different place 2, try extracting from the last file rather than the first

solution 3

If the above doesn't work I can share the file directly with you through the peer to peer network DC++ Please email me directly so we can set this up

Section 02 - MAC Users

Unzipping and re-joining video files

Sigur Ros - Reykjavik 30.07.2006 VIDEO (example used)

Note for Mac users: Drag the downloaded p5 file onto Stuffit Expander to expand it. Then follow the directions for “Joining split files with MacHacha.” You will choose the 001.zip file when you Alphajoin in MacHacha. Do not try to drag the 001.zip file to Stuffit Expander or you will likely get a message that the archive is damaged.

"Decompression failed" message at the end of a download on Mac Safari

Q: I’ve downloaded a .001 (or .002, .003, etc) file and in my download window it says “decompression failed.” When I view the file in the Finder, it shows the file, plus what appears to be a copy of the file with “.download” at the end of the file name. What’s going on?

A: The “decompression failed” message occurs because Safari is trying to automatically open the file immediately after downloading it. The “decompression failed” message does not mean the file is damaged.

You can avoid the message by changing a Safari preference:

1. Go to Safari > Preferences.

2. Select General.

3. Uncheck the box “Open ‘safe’ files after downloading.”

Joining split files with MacHacha

Q. What do I do with all these numbered (.001, .002, etc) files?

A. First, download all the files in the set and make sure they are in the same folder. You will then piece them together with a utility like MacHacha (freeware). You can do this successfully even if one or more of the files produced the “decompression failed” message upon download.

Here’s what you do:

1. Download an install MacHacha. Here’s one place where you can get it:


2. Also make sure you have Stuffit Expander installed. Free Expander download is available here:


3. Open MacHacha.

4. Choose File > Alphajoin.

5. Select the first file in the group (it will either start with .001 or .001.zip) and press the Choose button.

6. It says “I will use [the name of the thing you chose] as the base to [name it plans to give the final output]. You can change the latter if you like. Click OK.

8. After a moment you will have a new file next to the others which doesn’t contain .zip or .download as a file extension. Probably it will end with .001, but be a MacHacha file. If you’re unsure which is the joined file, check the date/time and it will be the most recent file.

8. Drag the new, joined file onto Stuffit Expander.

9. After a moment, you should have a joined .avi file, or whatever it might be.

Section 3 Mac Users

Convert FLAC files to something iTunes can read (For Macintosh users)

1. If you have not already done so, unzip the .zip files you downloaded using a utility like Stuffit Expander [link we used in previous post]. After unzipping, you should have a folder containing .flac files.

2. Close iTunes and QuickTime, if they are open.

3. Download and install Fluke [http://blowintopieces.com/fluke/].

4. Restart iTunes.

5. Drag the .flac files onto the Fluke icon and you should see them get converted into iTunes. Alternatively, you can right-click/ctrl-click on the FLAC files and choose Open With > Other, then navigate to Fluke under Applications and press Open.

If for some reason Fluke doesn’t work for you, try the “Longer method to play FLAC files in iTunes” instructions [


Note: The files will need to be renamed in iTunes so that you will have the correct song titles and such.

Playing FLAC files on your iPod

iPod’s cannot read FLAC files. So even if you have FLAC files playing in iTunes, they will not transfer to your iPod. The only way to get iPod to recognize them is to convert them to a lossy format. If you are willing to do that, follow these instructions to convert them to the .m4a format iPod will read.

1. Open iTunes.

2. Select the file(s) and choose Advanced > Create AAC version.

3. You will then have duplicates in iTunes: the FLAC version and the AAC version. Only the AAC versions will transfer to the iPod when you sync it.

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Sigur ros - Paris, 11.2008 Acoustic version of Við Spilum Endalaust 2008 Re Master 09

Sigur ros - Paris, 11.2008 Acoustic version of Við Spilum Endalaust - Re Master 09

In November last year Sigur ros played an acoustic song in a small french cafe. The original audio was mono AAC. I have remastered the audio which now sounds much fuller, richer and closer to stereo.
From 'La Blogotheque' :
We don’t go into la Closerie des Lilas. We pass by the front, we see some rich and paunchy people on the terrace meticulously protected by a wall of greenery, we smell the perfume of the oysters, but we don’t go in. Someday, we’ll have the occasion to go in—a family reunion organized by a wealthy old aunt, maybe. Or we’ll be invited to talk logistics of a festival, and spend the entire afternoon on the covered terrace. This was the case for Moon, who had just gotten back from Tanzania, and found himself wedged there, at la Closerie. He would go in, for the first time, to film the Icelanders.

For me, the equation is as follows: the band is staying at the Kube hotel, north of Paris; their equipment is at porte de la Villette; Moon and his camera are wedged at la Closerie, in the south of Paris; and, obviously, Sigur Ros are playing at Zénith this very evening. We only have a little time.

The first person passed by, and this guy will leave us with the best memories— he’s John Best, their manager. A 50-something English man in all his splendor, ‘70s glasses, classic raincoat, beige scarf and classy mustache. He makes us forget about the long saga of the sick bassist, about the rest of the band who’re fading fast.

We bought a bucket at a bazaar in a side-street, and we decided not to bother pulling out the costumes. We moved some tables to set up a splendid harmonium, we took over the piano, and everything seemed ready… the only thing missing was two drummer’s brushes, which weren’t in the van. Some guy had to go back to Villette to look for them.

While we wait, we ask the group in vain to play a few other songs in the mean time—any song that doesn’t need the brushes. They decline.As John reminds us, they’ve never done anything like this before—they usually don’t perform acoustic. We just have to wait, and not add to the looming pressure of tonight’s huge concert.

Still waiting, we rummage around la Closerie. We chat with elegant old couples, we watch from afar as a fat businessman absentmindedly strokes the hair of a girl 20 years his junior, and we let ourselves be cradled by the incessant waltz of guys in vests running and pivoting with their plates filled to the brim.

Little by little the room empties, the remaining diners drag out the final moments of their lunch, and then the drumsticks arrive. The environment is tense, but they jump in. A few notes on the harmonium, and an incredible voice that it would have been a shame to exhaust. We don’t know if the sticks were essential. But in three minutes, our patience was repaid.

download video (320 kbps mp3 audio track included)