Sunday, 13 June 2010

For Mac Users (Unzipping Videos) - Update !! Please Read

A good friend tells me the Ez7z worked perfectly and easily with split & zipped video files on his Mac where as the 2nd link gave the similar problems
So if you use a Mac - Please use this:

There are 2 options here for Mac users to unzip & rejoin the video files on this site. Both of which I believe work.

Here is a link to 7-zip for Mac:

I hope with these we will solve any issues that Mac users have had. In general I do apologise to those who experience problems with un-zipping these zipped & split files. As yet its unclear as to why for some many problems occur where as for others it works perfectly and as such, if I can't clearly identify the problem there's nothing I can do to fix it! Sometimes during the download process files can corrupt and these videos are big files.
Its quite possible that in the future I will be re-encoding many of the Sigur ros / jonsi videos using the new MKV video format which literally makes files half the size of AVI's... but thats for the future :)

Suggestions for better methods are always welcomed

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I downloaded the Pukkelpop video and didn't have any luck with Ez7z - at least not at first. I had to first use a program called MacHacha to join the four zip files, so I was left with just one zip file. I then found that any unzipping program (ez7z, unzip, etc) worked to give me the final video.

    By the way, your Victory Rose websites are awesome. Keep up the good work.


If you have problems please email me: